Mindful Learning can beneficial for everyone.
If you wish to be more conscious and intentional.
Wish to Recover your innate power and goodness and build unshakeable resilience.
Wish to have a toolkit that uniquely makes life better and better. 

TVC Wake up Nigeria June 2020 series 
All Learnomic journeys are secular.
It has been said that mindfulness can help foster a deeper connection to your belief system and spirituality.
'Mindfulness is consciousness and intentionality in practice'

No, we are not therapists. Mindful learning can be very profoundly therapeutic.
Learnomic is a UK mindfulness listed teacher and often categorised as a complementary therapy.
Certified by the counselling and psychotherapy central awarding body (CPCAB UK).
Research of mindful learning confirms profound benefits to patients;
Doctors and many other medical professionals including therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists refer clients.

Schools and teachers also engage our services.

Corporate establishments also engage our services.

Parents and friends engage our services.
Mindfulness can be anything and everything. It is noticing what you are doing when and how you are doing it!
Sounds easier than it is in 2022 when most of us are distracted.....Our attention hijacked.
Once you learn mindfulness practices with a professional suddenly you realise you've missed and are missing out on so much of life and living.